Industrial Oil For General Use

Industrial Oil For General Use

General purpose industrial oil refers to a group of lubricating oils that are used in a wide range of industrial applications. These oils are designed to meet the lubrication needs of various industrial machinery and equipment and have characteristics that make them suitable for various uses. The key features of industrial oil for general use include: Reduce friction and wear: These oils help reduce friction and wear in moving parts, which helps extend the life of machinery and reduce the need for repairs. Cooling: Industrial oil helps to cool parts, especially in machines that work under high pressures and high temperatures. Resistance to heat and oxidation: These oils must be resistant to temperature rise and oxidation processes. Protection against corrosion and rust: industrial oils protect metal parts of machinery against corrosion and rust. High chemical and physical stability: These oils must have high chemical and physical stability to perform well in different working conditions. Low evaporation and foaming: Oils with low evaporation rate and minimal foaming are preferred to avoid malfunctioning of machinery. Industrial oils for general use are produced in different types, including mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils. Choosing the type of oil depends on the type of machinery, working conditions and manufacturer's recommendations. These oils are used in various sectors such as production, mining, agriculture, construction and other industries