3LPE Three-layer Polyethylene Outer Cover

3LPE Three-layer Polyethylene Outer Cover

The three-layer polyethylene coating consists of three layers of fusion bond epoxy ester, co-polymer and polyethylene. The most outstanding feature of this coating is its high resistance against mechanical stress such as impact and penetration of objects during transportation and pipeline implementation. The application temperature of this coating is up to +80 degrees according to the standard. This coating conforms to the standards of IGS-E-TP-010-1, IGS-CTP-010, IPS-G-TP-335, CSA-ZZH5.20, DIN30678, SIS 055900 in the pipe rolling company and Reed cover is applicable. Among the advantages of this cover, the following can be mentioned: - Good chemical resistance Good chemical absorption - Low water resistance - Good electrical resistance - High flexibility