Double Layer FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating

Double Layer FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating

The two-layer FBE coating is the most recent coating of pipelines, and as a suitable replacement for the three-layer polyethylene system, it is widely used in the coating of steel pipes of transmission lines. This coating system contains two layers of FBE coating, the first layer is applied with the purpose of creating anti-corrosion properties and suitable adhesion to the metal surface, and the second layer is applied immediately after the first layer with the purpose of creating suitable mechanical and thermal properties. Double layer FBE coating according to the standard IGS-M-TP-026,, ISO 21809-2,, SIS 055900,, CSA-Z245.20,, AWWA C213 can be implemented and inspected in Neyzar Pipe Rolling and Coating Company.